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     Apostolos was born in 1971 in Piraeus, the age of 16 composes his first poems,lyrics,and songs (some of them composed almost in classroom!).in his early youth,discover the magical beauty and truth of literature and music both.far more influenced from metaphysically way in Art than natural,develope a pessimistic point of view to the world.At the same period become a founder member of a teenage band.a company of close friends who after a periodically action split up 3 years later.Apostolos never found or become a member of any other band!his disappointment  has to do only for companies,not for music itself!so continues to compose all this years naturally  in a wide range of music styles.his personal archives is full of interesting stuff,from his past until now.Apostolos he always prefer to have a total control in his own music in any level thats why feels grateful to new computer music technology.Nowadays his stuff you can say become in less complicated music forms. to the other hand, maybe this is not mean anything.Apostolos he is a self-taught musician,with a very personal and strong taste and vision about music and words.a spiritual vision in almost everything  he creates.Past,present,but who knows about future?Stay tuned!and follow me here: 






Apostolos, November 2016

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